

It is true that our city by the sea has more restaurants per capita than any other in the country, outside of San Francisco. That means when visiting you will have over 300 restaurants to choose from in Portland alone.

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Sorry. No businesses match all the criteria selected.

Click on “clear filters” and try again.

Tip: try selecting your most important choice to begin and click the search button. Then keep narrowing down your search from that point by selecting another criteria box. You will notice the businesses listed and the search criteria selections narrow down more as you continue through this process allowing you to find exactly what you want.

Example of how to use the search criteria:

Start by selecting the location and the seasons open. Such as Portland and Winter.


Then narrow down your search by selecting an interest like biking or narrow down your restaurant choice by the types of food served such as seafood or amenities like outside dining.


You should now have a smaller list to match your criteria.
Looking for a place to stay? Use the same approach to narrow down your search starting from the location and time of year you are visiting, then select the amenities you need, and then your desired price range.

Ri Ra. Photo Provided by Ri Ra