jetport joins roll of excellence

jetport joins roll of excellence

PORTLAND, MaineThe Portland International Jetport today announced that Airport Council International Director General Luis Felipe de Oliveira has chosen the Portland International Jetport to join the ACI Director General’s Roll of Excellence.

Since its creation in 2011, only 58 airports worldwide have been inducted into the ACI Director General’s Roll of Excellence. To qualify an airport must win multiple Airport Service Quality Awards over a five-year period during the past 10 years.

The Portland International Jetport has won the ASQ Award for small airports under 2 Million Passengers in 2015, 2017 and 2018, as well as the 2-5 Million Passenger Category in 2019 and 2020. In 2018 the Jetport also was awarded the Best Customer Service worldwide for airports under 2 Million passengers.

“It’s very rewarding to see the entire Jetport team recognized for the world-class product they create everyday,” said Paul Bradbury, Airport Director. “These awards don’t just happen. There is a dedication to our customer that is in the DNA of our team members. We are tremendously proud of this award and of all of our business partners who every day, throughout the pandemic, have continued to provide a top-notch customer experience.” he continued.

The award highlights the resilience and perseverance of the 1,200+ Mainers who work for the city, federal, concession, airline, rental car, parking and other business partners who throughout the past decade have pushed through challenges from recession to global pandemic to provide a best-in-class experience for our customers.

The Jetport is one of six airports worldwide inducted this year. The five other airports are:

  • Bangalore, India
  • Cochin, India
  • Guangzhou, China
  • San Antonio, Texas
  • Toronto, Canada

The Jetport will be recognized at the ACI Customer Experience Global summit in Montreal, Canada in September.

Written/Provided By:

Zachary R. Sundquist, A.A.E.
Assistant Airport Director
More information:

Portland International Jetport

The airport offers nonstop flights to over a dozen cities across the U.S. and Canada as well as worldwide connections.
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