Nightingales Sonata; Photo courtesy of Portland Ovations

The Nightingale’s Sonata

Part storytelling, part live music, The Nightingale’s Sonata is a wholly unique narrated concert experience.

Events > The Nightingale’s Sonata
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Maine Jewish Museum
267 Congress St
Portland, ME 04101 United States
About the Event
Presented by
Portland Ovations
(207) 773-3150
October 27, 2024

Accompanied by two acclaimed musicians and the projection of over 100 historical photographs, author Thomas Wolf recounts the life of Lea Luboshutz, the first internationally known female violinist, her incomparable Stradivarius violin (the “Nightingale”), and her multi-generational musical family, of which he is a member. The fascinating narrative tells the story behind his award-winning book, The Nightingale’s Sonata, revealing the family’s personal stories while sketching the history of classical music in the 20th century. Against the odds of pogroms, the Russian Revolution, and the Holocaust, this Jewish family triumphed again and again. Through this adversity, family members were linked by a remarkable piece of music, César Franck’s sonata for violin and piano, which is performed during the concert by Boston Symphony violinist Lucia Lin and Russian pianist Sergey Schepkin.

More Information:
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2024 – 2 PM
Runtime: 90 MINUTES
Tickets: $60

Wheelchair accessible. Read more accessibility at the Maine Jewish Museum.
This event is ASL interpreted.
