Connect with Nature - Photo Courtesy of Pineland Farms

Connect with Nature

This 2-hour experience, held entirely outdoors, is an opportunity to tune into the forests of southern Maine while exploring with the curiosity that came naturally during childhood. Your sense of comfort and familiarity with the environment will be fostered in hopes of creating a deeper connection with yourself.

Events > Connect with Nature
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Pineland Farms
15 Farm View Drive
New Gloucester, Maine 04260 United States
About the Event
Presented by
Pineland Farms
(207) 688-3384
April 21, 2024 through May 19, 2024

Date & Time: April 21 or May 19 – 11 AM – 1 PM
Event Type: Adult Program
Location: Education Barn
Fee: $20 per person or $35 total when combined with Forest Bathing (open to ages 18 and up) | Pre-registration Required.

This 2-hour experience, held entirely outdoors, is an opportunity to tune into the forests of southern Maine while exploring with the curiosity that came naturally during childhood. Your sense of comfort and familiarity with the environment will be fostered in hopes of creating a deeper connection with yourself. Plan to wander and wonder with guidance from Jack Flanagan and Hughes Kraft. Jack is a Maine Naturalist and psychotherapist with a long and deep love of the outdoors. Hughes is a Certified Nature Therapy Guide, writer, and psychotherapist in private practice.

Simple mindfulness practices will be shared to help us slow down and naturalist tools will be available to help with close observation and naming what we find.

We suggest combining Connect with Nature with the Forest Bathing walk to increase your experience with the natural world. The fee for both is $35.

Questions? Contact the Education Department: 207.650.3031 or

Are you visiting with a group of 10 or more? Please use our group visit sign-up form to learn more about group pricing.

Directions to the Education Barn: Follow GPS directions to the Market at 15 Farm View Drive, New Gloucester, Maine. Continue past the Market on Farm View Drive and take your first left onto Valley Farm Rd. Follow Valley Farm Rd. until you see the Smokehouse Visitors Center (white silo) on the right-hand side. Take the right-hand turn immediately after the Smokehouse down to the Family Farmyard. The Education Barn is the largest barn in the farmyard.
