Exterior. Photo Credit: Foundation Brewing Company

Fetch IPA Release Party

Foundation and the Animal Refuge League are celebrating the launch of Fetch with a Food & Supply Drive on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at the brewery on Industrial Way. Customers can bring a donation for the shelter, and get $1 off any pint in the tasting room. Representatives from the Animal Refuge League will be on hand to talk to customers about their mission and collect donations. Wish Lists to help customers know what is needed most are available on Foundation’s website at https://foundationbrew.com/upcomingevents/.

Events > Fetch IPA Release Party
This event has passed.
Foundation Brewing
1 Industrial Way, Suite 7
Portland, ME 04103 United States
About the Event
Presented by
Foundation brewing
May 4, 2024

We will be hosting a release party on Saturday 5/4, from Noon to 8pm, at our brewery on 1 Industrial Way in Portland, in conjunction with the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland, where we will be accepting donations to help support the shelter in return for $1 off a beer.

The label for the beer features John and Tina Bonney’s first dog, Magnus, who helped inspire Foundation Brewing Company’s long standing support of the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland.  However, with the release of Fetch, we are formalizing our commitment to this endeavor, and will be donating 1% of all revenue we receive from the sale of this beer both in the tasting room and in the community to organizations throughout the state.
